10 Breathing Tips to Help You Feel Calm and Reduce Anxiety


Breathing, one of life’s most basic activities, is often overlooked in the midst of our daily chaos. However, the importance extends beyond basic nourishment to mental and emotional wellbeing. Mastering the art of breathing is key in a busy city where stress can feel like an ever-present friend.

Welcome to our extensive guide from best Anxiety therapy Toronto on anxiety-relieving breathing exercises, designed to help you on your journey to brightness and peace.

Understanding the Link Between Breath and Anxiety:

Before getting into the various breathing exercises, one must first understand the intricate relationship between breath and worry. Breathing wrongly can upset the delicate balance of exchanging oxygen and carbon dioxide, triggering a cascade of physiological and psychological responses. Prolonged anxiety, weariness, and tense muscles are some symptoms of breathing issues.

On the other hand, we can use our breath to relax, realign our neurological system, and reduce the detrimental consequences of stress.

Anxiety and Breathing Physiology:

Knowing that the physiological principles behind breathing exercises is necessary for effectively gripping the transformative effect. The parasympathetic nervous system, which is referred to as the body’s “rest and digest” response, is activated by intentional deep breathing. This neutralizes the impact of the sympathetic nervous system, which is linked to the “fight or flight” reaction. Ammonia and other chemicals associated with stress are consequently reduced, and the body reaches a state of balance and relaxation.

Furthermore, deep breathing increases the body’s oxygenation, including that of the brain. Proper oxygenation is important for healthy emotional regulation and mental clarity.

Deep breathing alleviates stress and anxiety by infusing the brain with oxygen-rich blood, promoting psychological equilibrium and mental agility.

The Use of Breathing Techniques in the Treatment of Anxiety:

Now that we’ve covered the physiological causes of anxiety and breathing, let’s look at how breathing exercises can help with anxiety reduction. There are numerous ways available to promote relaxation and stress reduction, ranging from basic yoga poses to modern practice of mindfulness. The following are some of the best breathing methods such as:

  1. Yoga & Breathing:

    The most important aspect of yoga, an age-old practice that balances the body, mind, and spirit, is controlling your breathing. The discipline of breath regulation, or meditation, includes a wide range of methods, each aimed at addressing particular facets of wellbeing. Yoga gives an extensive way of reducing anxiety, whether it is through the invigorating lion’s breath or the 4-8-7 breath practice.

  2. Breathe in resonance:

    The purpose of resonance-based exercise for breathing is to develop a heartbeat-like breathing pattern. By synchronising the breathing process with the rhythm of their hearts, people can improve heart rate variable and produce a calm, cohesive mood. Resonance breathing is an effective approach for minimizing the psychological effects of anxiety and stressful situations.

  3. Breathing Practice 4-7-8:

    Dr. Andrew Weil devised the 4-7-8 breathing methodology, which is a simple yet effective method to relax. Breathing for four seconds, holding for seven seconds, then expelling for eight seconds can cause the body’s relaxation response to kick in and reduce anxiety levels. With the ability of breath, this process causes fundamental physiological changes that improve a feeling of peace and well-being.

  4. Pursed Lip Breathing:

    Purse lips breathing, which involves inhaling and exhaling with pursed lips, is extremely beneficial to those with breathing disorders such as COPD. This approach reduces anxiety and dyspnea symptoms while boosting oxygenation. Purse lips breathing allows people to better control their breathing, which helps them cope with anxiety.

  5. Alternate nostril breathing:

    Alternating nostril breathing, one of the most common yoga breathing exercises, is an efficient approach to decompress and relieve stress. People can increase their mental and emotional well-being by inhaling through their left and right nostrils alternatively. This regulates the body’s prana flow, or life force energy. This approach also activates the vagus nerve, allowing the entire nervous system to relax.

  6. Deep breathing exercises:

    Deep breathing exercises are simple to master, but they involve deliberate, continuous inhalation and exhalation via the nose. Concentrating on one’s breath and having longer gaps between breaths might help to create a state of calm and relaxation. Deep breathing processes are an effective strategy for reducing anxiety in everyday life since they can be used anywhere and at any time.

  7. Diaphragmatic breathing:

    Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as abdominal breathing, involves using the diaphragm to take deep, full breaths. People can improve their oxygen intake and promote relaxation by clenching their belly during exhale and expanding it during inhalation. Diaphragmatic breathing, in particular, is highly effective at counteracting shallow breathing patterns caused by stress and worry.

  8. Box Breathing (or 444 Breathing):

    Box breathing, also known as 444 breathing, is a systematic way to relax and reduce stress. Visualizing a square allows people to manage their breathing and relax their nervous system by taking equal quantities of breaths, holding them, releasing them, and pausing. This strategy promotes calm and groundedness by practicing mindfulness and present-moment awareness

  9. Mindfulness Breathing:

    Mindfulness breathing is an old Buddhist practice that emphasizes nonjudgmental awareness of the present moment. People can cultivate acceptance and calmness by focusing on their breath as it enters and exits the body. Mindfulness breathing, which promotes inner calm and tranquility, is an effective treatment for the ruminative thought patterns that often accompany worry.

  10. The Breath of the Lion:

    The lion’s breath is an exercise in strong breathing that is both fun and efficient. It requires extending your lips wide and pressing your tongue down. This approach boosts confidence and self-expression by expanding the throat chakra and alleviating jaw and neck tension. The lesson of facing life boldly and bravely, free of fear and anxiety, comes from the lion’s breath.

Combining and Putting into the Practice:

Every breath you breathe is an opportunity for change and refreshment as you embark on your journey of reflection and self-discovery. Try a few different breathing exercises and notice how your body and mind react. Make mindfulness and presence a part of your daily routine by integrating these techniques.

Get the help from our Depression Therapy Toronto, Discover a strategy that works for you and commit to improving your well-being with each breath, whether it’s a fast breathing exercise on your way to work in the morning or a lengthy relaxation technique before bed.


In the hectic environment of contemporary life, tension and worry can seem unavoidable at times. Nonetheless, we can recover our composure and fortitude in the face of difficulty by using the breath. Anxiety reduction techniques ranging from modern mindfulness exercises to age-old yogic traditions can be found in the art of breath.

We can face life’s obstacles with grace and composure if we practice mindfulness, presence, and self-compassion. Thus, you, the reader, take a deep breath and realize that the secret to inner calm and profound transformation is contained in the rhythm of your breath.

Our aim at McDowall Psychology Integrative & Healthcare is to assist you in achieving comprehensive well-being. As a Psychologist Toronto, We are skilled and empathetic therapists available to assist you in using the power of breath to change your life.

Set up a free consultation with one of our Therapists in Toronto right now to start your journey toward recovery and self-awareness. This is where your path to inner serenity starts.

Also Read: Complexities of Panic and Anxiety Attacks: A Holistic Approach to Mental Health

May your every breath bring you new vitality, clarity, and happiness.

The purpose of McDowall Psychology Integrative & Healthcare is to help you live fully and anxiety free. Contact us at Ext 1 (416) 485-5555 or book an appointment now!!