Psychologist Ottawa

Holistic Well-being Through The Power of Psychotherapy Ottawa

Psychotherapy Ottawa: Your Path to Wellness

If you're striving to lead a happier, healthier life, look no further than McDowall Integrative Psychology and Healthcare in Ottawa. We believe that everyone deserves happiness. Our caring psychotherapists work with you to help you overcome anything that is getting in the way of you living your best life. As the top psychologist in Toronto, ON  our psychology clinic offers personalized treatment plans that are tailored to your individual needs. In our practice:

  • Facilitates the unique self of each individual.
  • We aim to optimize your physical, mental, and emotional health.
  • We find and address the cause of your concerns, not just the symptoms.
  • When we address the cause, the symptoms abate, and long-term health outcomes are achieved.

We are one of the top psychotherapy clinics in Ottawa. Our nurturing and confidential therapeutic environment puts your needs first. We understand that seeking therapy can be intimidating and our psychologists are calm, and supportive, and they will be there with you at every step of the way. We believe in building strong therapeutic relationships and our psychotherapists are dedicated to your personal growth. Our investment in your growth and well-being is unwavering whether you are seeking couples therapy Ottawa or marriage counselling.

Psychotherapy Services
Psychologist Ontario

Feeling off and not quite yourself? We are here to help.

Whatever you are experiencing, seeking support can make a significant difference. Our psychotherapists in Ottawa are professionally trained to assist individuals address their concerns and to help you develop insight and learn how to manage your life difficulties effectively.

We provide you with a rich understanding of human behavior and the intricacies of the mind. Our psychotherapists will assist and guide you on your journey of self-discovery. We help you rediscover your true self and help you work through and treat any physical, psychological, emotional, or behavioral concerns that may be being triggered and preventing you from living your optimum life.

Our psychologist will go the extra mile to ensure you feel like a home. We work collaboratively to build a strong therapeutic alliance — one that is grounded in a sense of safety and trust. Our diverse psychotherapists in Ottawa provide marriage counselling and ADHD treatment Ottawa, among other areas, and are well-versed in addressing the gamut of difficulties experienced by our clients.

Counseling services we offer

Psychological Assessment

Psychological Assessment

A psychologist in Ontario will ask questions. This clinically focused assessment helps determine whether you are suffering from any disorder, condition, syndrome, or behavioral issues. Based on the results, a professional therapists in Ontario decides the further course of action.

Couple Therapy

Couple Therapy

Is your couple's relationship struggling or diminishing? Couples therapy we offer is an effective way to boost strained relationships with your spouse. In couples Counseling Ontario, a professional and qualified psychotherapist helps identify the obstacles in the relationship between partners.

Individual Counselling

Individual Counselling

Our individual counseling sessions are designed for the unique needs of each patient. In this type of counseling, a psychologist Ontario works with you on a one-to-one basis. It all begins with an initial assessment, following which individual sessions are conducted in-person at our Psychology clinic in Ontario.

Naturopathy Treatment

Naturopathy Treatment

Naturopathy Treatment is a unique form of primary healthcare that involves a functional approach to healing, focusing on disease prevention, in-depth clinical investigations, and the use of natural therapies to promote health. Our naturopath Ontario helps in pinpoint diagnosis and determines the root cause of the symptoms.

Conditions our Psychologist in Ottawa Treat:

  • Low Self-Esteem & Confidence
  • Low motivation
  • Low energy
  • School Issues
  • Social Isolation & Withdrawal
  • Spousal Abuse
  • Work Stress (STD, LTD)
  • Work Injury (WSIB)
  • Weight Management & Health
Psychologist Toronto
Psychotherapists in Ontario

How can our Psychotherapists in Ottawa help you?

Psychotherapy in Ottawa helps you to overcome the obstacles along your path, emphasizing the unfolding of your best self. Our Psychologist Ottawa is among the leaders in the area. We support your journey to realize growth and your greatest potential. Your experience of psychotherapy should result in a significant movement towards improved overall well-being, more satisfying relationships, and a reinvigorated sense of purpose in life.

McDowall’s unique multidisciplinary approach is now available throughout the province with our virtual psychotherapy clinics in Ottawa. We offer you a wide variety of skilled psychotherapists so that you can find the one that’s a good fit – every therapist in Ottawa utilizes their unique combination of personal history, training, and experience to provide maximum benefit to their patients.

Psychotherapy Ottawa: Holistic Mental Health Solutions

Embark on a transformative journey with the profound advantages of psychotherapy at our Ottawa clinic

McDowall provides integrative psychology and healthcare services, which include psychotherapy in Ottawa, to adults, adolescents, and children, as well as to couples, in our clinic. Our unique approach to mental health care moves far beyond traditional psychotherapy – in our multidisciplinary practice, our psychotherapists strive to understand your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in great detail; this deep understanding, in turn, allows us to offer specifically tailored support, which can be expected to more effectively assist you. We also ensure that our healthcare practitioners explore any physiological issues that could be impacting mental health, to provide a fully integrative mental health care service.

If a client gives their all to the process and puts in the effort required to start living their ideal life, transformation is always theirs. We are client-centred and empathic and we hold a deep belief that your privacy is paramount and your confidentiality is guaranteed. We help our clients change so they can live a better quality of life, feel empowered en route to the life they’ve always wanted to experience and behold the life they’ve woven for those around them.

Book a free intake consultation with one of our therapists in Ottawa today!

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