Useful Tips to Take Care of Your Mental Health During Self-Isolation


Limiting social contact and practicing self-isolation is not easy. It takes a toll on our physical and mental health. Being isolated and away from friends, family, relatives, and loved ones may trigger feelings of loneliness, stress, anxiety, anger, mood swings, and may even result in depression. During self-isolation, it is important to protect one’s mental well-being just like we take care of our physical body. Some individuals may also need therapy for anxiety and depression.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, self-isolation, and social distancing from people were followed all around the world to prevent the spread of the virus. However, being isolated and away from friends and colleagues results in a lot of mental health problems, including a lack of self-confidence, low self-esteem, and anxiety. However, the problem of self-isolation is not just related to the COVID-19 pandemic. A study from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) highlights that more than one-third of adults who are 45 years or older feel lonely; and nearly one-fourth of adults aged 65+ are considered to be socially isolated. (Source: CDC)

Common causes of self-isolation

The common causes of self-isolation are:

  • Negative self-esteem
  • Depression
  • Living remotely
  • Mental health problems
  • Toxic relationships
  • Negative thinking
  • Social media
  • Unemployment
  • Poor quality of sleep
  • Anxiety disorder
  • Emotional stress
  • Trauma

If you experience any of these, it is best to approach one of the psychotherapists in Toronto before the problem gets worse.

Here are some of the steps (best practices) that you need to follow to take care of your mental health when in self-isolation:

Avoid the  digital world

  • It is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest happenings in the country and around the world.
  • However, listening to too much news, especially like the one during the pandemic can result in anxiety and depression.
  • When self-isolating a digital detox is a must.
  • You can set a scheduled time for checking social media or the latest happenings globally.

Create a schedule

  • While you may be away from the office or working from home, it is important to create a schedule for yourself.
  • According to the best psychotherapists in Toronto, creating and following a schedule helps to get rid of depression.
  • It also boosts productivity and minimizes anxiety.
  • Waking up and sleeping at a particular time and also having food at the right time as per the set schedule can keep you rejuvenated with a feeling of contentment while in self-isolation.

Balanced diet is important

  • When self-isolating it is easy to overlook your diet and nutrition.
  • When you are away from others, a balanced diet is crucial.
  • Eating fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains can help ward off the anxiety, stress, and vitalize your health.
  • Eating well and healthy also helps boost the immune system.

Keep yourself engaged

There are several relaxing activities with which you can keep yourself engaged. These activities can help to beat the stress associated with self-isolation. Some of these activities include:

  • Playing board games
  • Meditation
  • Listening to music
  • Reading a book
  • Painting or drawing
  • Watching an inspirational movie

Take up a hobby or learn something new

Self-isolation is the best time for you to take up a hobby or learn something that you always wanted to but did not have time for due to your busy schedule.

It can be:

  • Learning a new language
  • Learning an Instrument
  • Learning how to cook
  • Learning coding
  • Learning a new skills useful at work
  • Self-improvement online courses

Seek professional assistance

  • Self-isolation can negatively impact both physical and mental health.
  • If you think it is getting beyond your control, you can seek professional help from psychotherapists in Toronto.
  • You can also opt for Therapy for depression or therapy for anxiety.
  • It is important to not hesitate to approach the psychotherapists in Toronto.

Look for small accomplishments every day

  • If you have successfully completed some tasks or overcome a challenging situation, praise yourself.
  • Encourage yourself to do even better tomorrow.
  • To do Lists
  • Setting Goals

Exposure to sunlight

  • When in self-isolation, it is essential to expose your body to sunlight.
  • Allowing your body to soak up some sunlight helps in the synthesis of vitamin D.
  • It is also useful to strengthen the body’s immunity.
  • If you have a dedicated outdoor space such as a verandah, balcony, or a garden, there is nothing like it.
  • You can even stand near the window where the sun’s rays fall.
  • A light therapy lamp

Stay connected

  • Even though you may be confined within the four walls of your home, it is crucial to stay in touch with your loved ones.
  • You can still use your smartphone to make calls or video calls to your family and friends.
  • Even if you are not in self-isolation, it is recommended that you speak to your friends and family even if it is just for 5-10 minutes to beat the stress of the busy schedule every day.

Be physically active

  • When you are in self-isolation, it may be difficult to move around like the way you used to in office or while traveling from home to office.
  • During these testing times, moving around the house, doing household work, and exercising indoors, Stretching can be really beneficial.
  • It can keep you calm and maintain good health.

Get enough sleep

  • When in self-isolation, some people tend to compromise on their sleep.
  • Some don’t get sound sleep due to stress and anxiety.
  • For physical and mental well-being, it is crucial to get quality sleep for at least 8-9 hours.

Get outdoors

  • Even in self-isolation, it is essential to get outdoors at least once during the day.
  • This will help you get fresh air, sunshine, and look at the surroundings.
  • If you have a garden or a driveway, getting outdoors becomes much easier.

Practice yoga and meditation

  • Yoga and meditation are effective solutions to beat stress.
  • Both these activities help to keep the mind calm and nourish the body.
  • Proper breathing exercises and postures help maintain a healthy emotional and physical state.

Acknowledge what you are going through

  • When you are in self-isolation and struggling, it is difficult to acknowledge the situation.
  • It is even more difficult if you have no one to talk to.
  • If you find it difficult to acknowledge what you are going through, connect with the psychotherapists in Toronto.

Build a support network for yourself

  • Loneliness due to self-isolation is quite common.
  • One of the best ways to overcome it is to build a support network of family, friends, and colleagues.
  • When you are facing mental health issues or loneliness, a support network can come in handy.
  • You can speak to the people who are a part of your support network.
  • It may also include one of the top psychotherapists in Toronto.

Also Read: Mental Health Matters: Simple Steps for a Happier You Every Day

Boredom, frustration, and anxiousness are common during self-isolation. Managing these can get difficult sometimes, even with the best practices. This is where psychotherapists in Toronto come into play. Through therapy for depression and anxiety, they can help to calm and soothe you. The psychotherapists in Toronto focus on improving your mental well-being.

Are you finding it difficult to self-isolate? Don’t worry! The psychotherapists in Toronto are always there to assist you in times of difficulty. Get in touch with McDowall Healthcare and beat stress and anxiety hassle-free. Mcdowall Health offers care through therapy for anxiety and depression. Online therapies and counseling can play a key role in overcoming low self-esteem and feelings of loneliness.