Introducing Advanced Nutrition Therapy

For Mental Health

Dr. Chaddah, ND is a Walsh-trained professional who incorporates advanced nutrient therapy as a treatment approach, providing a natural method to correct the brain imbalances affecting mood

How It Works

3 Important Steps In The Process


Step 1: Initial Consultation (60-90 mins)

The first session is completed with Dr. Chaddah, ND, completing a comprehensive intake and patient history.


Step 2: Comprehensive Medical testing

After the initial session, you will be provided with a requisition form to complete the required lab work. This involves specific blood work.


Step 3: Reviewing the results and tailoring treatment

Once your results are in, a follow-up session will be booked with Dr. Chaddah, ND to provide treatment.


Step 4: One Month Follow-Up (60-90 mins)

A follow-up appointment is required 1 month after the treatment plan has been initiated.


Step 5: Comprehensive Lab Retesting

After 6months-12months, a follow-up test is completed to verify treatment effectiveness.


Step 6: Restesting Follow-Up Session (60mins)

Once the lab results are received a session will be completed to readjust or alter treatment.

Why The Walsh

Advanced nutrient therapy  is a unique treatment approach that offers an alternative to conventional therapies.    Our program identifies the individual brain biochemistry of each patient, uncovers any deficiencies,  and corrects imbalances in  neurotransmitter activity.

Getting to the root cause of your health

Underlying nutrient imbalances may include:

Type 1:

  • Chronic depression
  • Perfectionism
  • Addictions
  • Phobias
  • Seasonal allergies
  • Frequent headaches
  • Autism diagnosis

Type 2:

  • High anxiety/panic
  • Low libido
  • Sleep disorders
  • Nervous legs/pacing
  • Hyperactivity
  • Dry eyes/dry mouth
  • Mania

Type 3:

  • Poor stress control
  • Fearfulness
  • Severe anxiety
  • Tendency to stay up late
  • Delay or skip breakfast
  • Extreme mood swings

Type 4:

  • Hyperactivity
  • High anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Frequent anger
  • Skin sensitivity

Booking Your Intital Session Today

Learn more about the Walsh Protcol and get the process moving!

*May be covered by certain insurance companies, direct billing available.

Chronic Stress

Download Our Free Anxiety Guide

In this guide, I'm going to give you the foundational tips for recovering from anxiety. We will explore all aspects starting with the physical body, to the mind and then the soul.

If I've learned anything as an Integrative Psychologist its that you have to look at all aspects in order to heal. The mind without the body is incomplete. The body without the mind is incomplete.

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